Saint Göran and the dragon
Saint Goran and the dragon is a medieval wooden sculpture in the Great Church that represents the legend of Saint Goran and the dragon.
During the 1910s, a replica of the sculpture was cast in bronze and placed in the former Acteon quarter between Köpmantorget and Österlånggatan in the Old Town of Stockholm. It was inaugurated with pomp and circumstance on October 10, 1912.

The project was carried out through funding from the Association for Stockholm’s decoration with art and the manufacturer Hjalmar Wicander. The wooden sculpture was copied under Theodor Lundberg’s supervision in clay and then cast in plaster, after which it was transferred to bronze by Otto Meyer’s art foundry. The plinth was designed by the court curator Gustaf Lindgren.
The sculpture on Köpmantorget’s plinth towards the east reaches all the way down to Österlånggatan at the height of Brunnsgränd.

There is a fountain sculpture that forms part of the sculpture. It is designed as a well with three medieval city gates through which water flows into the fountain basin. They symbolize the three streams that first surrounded Gamla Stan (now Norrström, Stallkanalen and Söderström).
The fountain should also remind of the public well that was located at the then Fiskartorget in the middle of the 15th century.

Reference: Wikipedia